Mia only took one marketing course throughout her undergrad experience, and ended up working in a marketing department after graduation - where she learned a ton about copywriting. Because Mia was the newest and youngest employee, she was tasked with figuring out social media marketing. She dove into learning all she could about digital marketing and built her career from there. When she left the corporate world she leveraged her love of storytelling and making sales to make her entrepreneurial footprint.

In this episode you'll learn all about Launching a Product! How much does size matter? How big of an audience do you need to have to launch a product? Does it matter where your audience lives? Is a Facebook Group "enough?" Do you NEED an email list? The 5 stages of a Successful Launch (did you know people typically miss THREE of these five?!) and what happens in each phase. Pre Pre-Launch Pre-Launch Ramp up (this is what people think about when they think of a launch!) Launch Post-Launch The realistic timeline for launching a product. Because the launch process is pretty long - what should you be doing to make money in the meantime? When a launch flops - how do you gather feedback from people to identify why it doesn't work? I LOVE her strategy and it could be applied to all sorts of market research and list-segmenting strategies!

Be sure to subscribe to this podcast - so you don't miss another episode!

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I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role.

»Read My Full DEI Statement HERE«