Deuteronomy 6:7 "And you shall teach them to your children and talk to them when you sit in the house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."  This verse was key in understanding that cultivating, training and equipping a culture of love in the home was an ongoing daily part of life as a family.  Loving God and loving each other must be intentional and we lead by example first.  More is caught than taught.  There is grace to love and there is mercy and forgiveness for where we fall short.  We need both to love Him and others well. What is obedience? How can you know the will of God?  What is first time obedience? How do you fill their moral warehouse?  How do you cultivate a heart of obedience from love and not produce outward conforming performers?  What is true repentance?  What is the difference between the wise and the fool?  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to cultivate an atmosphere of love in your family where you lead by example.


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Deuteronomy 6:7 Lead by example Knowing the will of God Why obey? 1st time obedience Filling their moral warehouse Obedience vs Performers Repentance- the wise and the fool