Hi Friends!

Do you wonder what to do if your child is a “poor test taker”, or has high anxiety over formal testing?

Do you worry that your child’s scores will be impacted and you won’t know how to help them score in a way that shows how brilliant they truly are?

Would you ever GUESS that test prep is also somewhat Holistic in preparation? Me either!

We can lay our worry down at the feet of Jesus, and let’s get some peace right here and now.

Today we are back for part 2 of our episode on test prep for the SAT and ACT, with Dr. Kelly Frindell.

She is going to answer these common and important questions for us about the test, and helo us set our students up for SUCCESS, without stress and anxiety:

-What do I do, if my child has terrible anxiety over testing?

-What is the right time of year for a child to take the SAT or ACT?

-When is it too late to take the test, if my child wants to transition straight into college after highschool?

-I heard the SAT is changing. What will this mean for my child?

-What is the process to be prepared for the test properly?

-What study habits will my student need to have, to be ready for the test on time?

-Why would my student choose one test over another?

-My child is not a good test taker, now what?

-How many times can my student take the test?

-How long are scores good for, if my student wants to take a gap year after highschool?

Find that notebook where you have notes from Part 1, I know I took a bunch of notes myself!
Let the kids go play for a bit, and let’s reduce the stress in our homeschools by answering these questions once and for all. Let’s chase that JOY and PEACE!


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Want Your Question Considered For The Podcast? Leave me a message!

To Connect with Dr. Kelly Frindell:
Website: http://inhousetestprep.com
Email: [email protected]