Today's episode describes what Batch Scheduling is and how to do it. For some more context and examples check out my Batch Scheduling 101 eBook

Here are some notes:
Batch scheduling is:
1. Grouping similar things you need to do  
2. Assigning times for doing them

After making categories you can do 1 of two things:

Plan times to do certain categories 
Sundays from 3-4 I will do all my meal prep
Tuesday mornings before kids wake up is when I do family related things on the computer


Create a mini to do list which is what I like to use. This is a list of things you can do when you have a mini opportunity to get something done. Like when baby sleeps an extra 15 min or you find yourself with 5 min of free time. Look at your mini list  (which is batch organized) and cross some thing off from there

Mini training on this will be on my Instagram page on Thursday!