What do you stand for? 
I heard this question about 10 years ago from a radio talk show host asking one of his callers. I thought it was so profound and at the time I found it easy to answer. The caller on the other hand did not. 
He kept giving “it depends…” kinda answers. Tanner and I recently had a conversation where we asked this question regarding our business and who we are as individuals. It’s something I don’t believe many people ask themselves, for whatever reason. Maybe they’re scared of the answer or maybe it doesn’t even cross their mind. 
Today, I share some aspects to this question and how being clear about your answers can then be the driving force to the decisions you make each day.

What do you stand for? 

I heard this question about 10 years ago from a radio talk show host asking one of his callers. I thought it was so profound and at the time I found it easy to answer. The caller on the other hand did not. 

He kept giving “it depends…” kinda answers. Tanner and I recently had a conversation where we asked this question regarding our business and who we are as individuals. It’s something I don’t believe many people ask themselves, for whatever reason. Maybe they’re scared of the answer or maybe it doesn’t even cross their mind. 

Today, I share some aspects to this question and how being clear about your answers can then be the driving force to the decisions you make each day.