The Sounds of 2023

Remembrances of some of the famous people who died in the year just past

Family Life's News Team reviews and analyzes the biggest news and the biggest issues of the year

Our "Capital Connection" commentators count down the biggest governmental and cultural stories from Pennsylvania and New York

It's the annual "Year in Review" from Family Life News.
2023 was such a full and unique year, so there is no way all the highlights (and lowlights) of the year could fit in this one program.
So we will add bonus content to extended versions of each segment, as the New Year's Weekend rolls out. Listen, subscribe, download or share them from

The Sounds of 2023

Remembrances of some of the famous people who died in the year just past

Family Life’s News Team reviews and analyzes the biggest news and the biggest issues of the year

Our “Capital Connection” commentators count down the biggest governmental and cultural stories from Pennsylvania and New York


It’s the annual “Year in Review” from Family Life News.

2023 was such a full and unique year, so there is no way all the highlights (and lowlights) of the year could fit in this one program.

So we will add bonus content to extended versions of each segment, as the New Year’s Weekend rolls out. Listen, subscribe, download or share them from