“The idea behind sex addiction is not to stop having sex entirely and remove sex from your life. The idea is to develop a healthy sexuality.” - Joshua Shea


The desire for love and pleasure is innate to all humans. However, as the world evolved, activities that were traditionally regarded as private and conservative are gradually becoming acceptable with the general public. Pornography is one of the industries that has dominated the web and access to it has become easier. As a result, even school-aged children are at risk of developing an addiction as their curiosity peeks and peer pressure pushes them deeper into the pleasure pool. Today, Joshua Shea, a former pornography addict, shares his battle with pornography. He lists the warnings signs of pornography addiction and differentiates the two types of pornography users. He also gives a comparison of different addictions and what makes them similar to each other. As we begin to understand pornography, the kind of intervention necessary becomes clearer and the motivation to stand against it becomes stronger.  Pornography may have the power to destroy morals and psychological balance. But nothing is stronger than a family working together to uphold their integrity. Tune in and learn how to develop a healthy sexuality. 

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05:50 Internet Has Changed The Game

11:38 Warning Signs Of Pornography

20:00 Two Types Of Pornography Users

23:01 Two Things Partners Need To Do

28:11 Parallels Of All Addictions

30:40 Standpoints Of Family Members

37:33 Understanding Pornography

43:13 Addiction Is A Disease