“You don't think your way out of stress; you feel your way out of it.” –Mary Bowles


Sometimes, there are things that we’ve been doing off beam yet we’re never aware until our understanding of things get flipped to the reality of matters. Therefore, it’s good to know how things really work lest we end up hurting ourselves and others. Listen in as our guest, Mary Bowles, gives us an enlightening elucidation on how our neural framework really operates.


Mary Bowles developed her fascination in the medical field at an early age. She grew up acquainted with her mom’s nursing manuals and decided this is where she wants to be. At that, she pursued her passion in Applied Neuroscience. She has undergone numerous trainings from renowned experts. At present, she helps her clients as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and founder of the MindWise Institute.


Everybody wants genuine recovery rather than just an ephemeral relief. To accomplish that, we must not depend on perfunctory procedures. Rather, we must ascertain what’s really effective and applicable. Join in to today’s podcast and deepen your understanding about neuroscience and memory reconsolidation as a way of effective recovery strategy. As said, recuperation occurs not by thinking, rather by feeling your way out of stress. Let your brain do the work!


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03:06 The Road to Neuropsychotherapy

07:07 How Neuroscience Helps Families Recover

11:54 Dopamine & The HPA Axis of Human Predictions

19:44 Letting the Brain Do the Work

26:25 Natural but Not Effective

31:56 What is Memory Reconsolidation?

42:44 Self-Treatment or Therapist?

47:54 Cutting-off Patterns