“How did I do it? Well, I just kept learning and paying attention to my inner emotions … It takes practice.” –Dr. Cheryl Scheurer


We all put a fight to live, but not everybody wins. From the moment we start breathing, obstacles, one after another, will tell us to stop. But, as for our guest, she survives the battle with the words quoted above. Be introduced to Dr. Cheryl Scheurer, an accomplished woman of many gifts. She is a doctor in Financial Management, a book author and editor, a minister, a producer and a host. But behind all these successes is a painful past. Addiction and abuse was like a shadow she couldn’t run away from. It was there with her family, then with her husband, then with her own daughter. Her story tells the story of many out there who are groaning in pain from the hands of addiction. Allow her to share her story of how she helped herself and how she helps others.


Addiction thrives in troubled conditions and that’s exactly where we are. It’s terrifying to even think about how many individuals are falling victim to addiction, pulling families further apart. Learn how to gather courage and break the cycle of unhealthy codependency. This way, you may save both yourself and your family. Even if you are alone in your fight, you can get through it by knowing how to manage stress and where to find your threshold of change. Also, turn unconsciousness to consciousness and get past the fear around money. All these and more from today’s episode!


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03:28 Cheryl’s Fight to Live

09:35 Gathering Up Courage

12:23 Breaking the Cycle of Codependency

19:37 Being a Mom to a Child with Addiction

26:24 Managing Stress

29:37 Helping People Get to Awareness

34:21 Threshold of Change

36:49 Helping People Get Past the Fear Around Money