“Love brought me back to where I needed to be. If I didn’t have people that loved me and cared about me, I probably wouldn’t be alive.” ~Adam

So many families believe that if they can fix that one person that seems to need the most help, then the whole family dynamic will be fixed as well. Adam and Lindsay Yurack understood that this concept was far from the truth. While Adam was going through his rehabilitation, Lindsay sought her own therapy, allowing both of them to come out of their darkest times together stronger than ever. Join Jeff as Adam and Lindsay share their inspiring journey together to overcome Adam’s addiction, and a few key points such as: Lindsay’s understanding that they both had to do the work to rebuild their relationship, how Adam’s family’s love and connection saved his life,  and what the family structure that they have built together looks like to continue to support and withstand the trials of recovery.

Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at http://thefamilyrecoverysolution.com/



01:42 In the beginning

05:20 Recognizing there was a problem

09:54 The unpretty breaking point

16:26 She had to let go, and he then realized he hadn’t been alone

25:18 Healing together as a family

33:16 What the family structure looks like now