Stewart Michaelson: There’s Always Hope  


In this episode, Jeff and Stewart discuss:  

·          Stewart’s story and how he got involved in the addiction/recovery community 

·          Ways in which parents/families both help and hinder individuals with addiction 

·          Mental Health as a public policy issue 

·          The importance of environment and of having a safe space with like minded people 


Key Takeaways:  

·         You can’t help somebody who doesn’t want to be helped, they must take the first step 

·         Addiction is a structural problem, family is a structural solution 

·         People don’t want to talk about mental health (including addiction) and they think it doesn’t affect them – this is the first part of the problem 

·         Don’t give up – there’s always hope. 




"For anyone who’s in addiction, it’s not a sprint. It’s a long term journey." — Stewart Michaelson 



Connect with Stewart:  






Podcast: Join the Nation Radio - 

Phone: 305-290-6090  


Show notes by show producer/podcastologist: Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie   


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.   


Got ideas? Perhaps a future podcast? Schedule time with Jeff here:  


Jeff Jones MA, LPC, CACIII    

The Family Recovery Solution: Addiction Navigation for Families  



Online Family Recovery  

Families Navigating the Rapids of Addiction & the River of Recovery  

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