Previous Episode: 80: Kickstarter Retro

With the latest Nintendo Direct, a very interesting title was released Wii U eShop. Nintendo has gone all ROM hacker on us, and created a challenge game based on a dozen titles from the NES launch lineup. More than that, these challenges directly focus on the secrets within games, and show you how to beat more difficult stages or bosses.

Sean and Vinnk share their impressions of NES Remix, whether they're too awesome at video games to really like such a title, and worry just a tiny bit that Nintendo is (rightfully) horning in
on Famicom Dojo's retro-educational turf. You should download and play too... assuming the eShop is online long enough to download it. (Curse you, Pokey-Mans!)

"Famicom Thrash" and "RPG" theme songs by the Imari Tones:

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