Previous Episode: 72: It's About Time

The Wii U might seem like it's in trouble, but even if the least bad of the "always on" rumors for the next Xbox prove true, will Microsoft be the worse one off this generation? Is this company that only entered console gaming this side of the millennium trying as hard as it can to apply the digial download methodology of gaming to physical media, or is it just a bunch of baseless fanboy fears and rampant speculation?

Sean and Vinnk run down three possible scenarios for what to expect when the new Xbox is finally announced later this month, each one making Microsoft look worse than the last. We started this podcast worrying about the effect that digital DRM games would have on the medium at large, but we never thought the event horizon would occur so soon. Or maybe it won't. We'll find out soon enough!

"RPG" theme song by the Imari Tones:

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