Is there a right way to introduce your child to the world of video gaming? It might be a more difficult proposition
for the children of adult gamers, whose boundaries are a bit less clear on the subject, but their non-gamer
spouses (if indeed they are non-gamers) might keep them in check. Maybe.

With Vinnk already a father of a 2 year old daughter, and Sean a father-to-be in 2012, we try to tackle those questions.
How young is too young? How much is too much? What's appropriate, and what's deemed okay? Plus, in an audio bonus exclusive to the website, Sean tells the tale of how a camcorder gave birth to Puppy Star Trek, and helped to shape the rest of his life.

"RPG" theme song by the Imari Tones:

This podcast is brought to you by the Famicom Dojo Video Series. Train Your Game at