Nintendo announced a historic deal with Japanese mobile developer DeNA to create a new device-agnostic ecosystem for its unified account system, an ecosystem that will now also include mobile games. Nintendoes what Sega also does, and is going to develop new software on third party hardware for the first time since Atari. Oh, and then there's something about a new Nintendo NX console too.

Vinnk and Sean wonder if this move is savvy or desperate, meant to appease stockholders, or if they plan to be a gamechanger in the mobile market. We also speculate just exactly what this may presage for their next console. Assuming it ever really comes out. Also, speaking of mobile: the return of Pile of Shame in the form of Fire Emblem and Zelda games for the 3DS!

"Famicom Thrash" and "RPG" theme songs by the Imari Tones: Vinnk and SeanOrange pixel art by Louis Lloyd-Judson:

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