To be a mystic means to want One Thing more than any other of the things. Mystics have an intense and unyielding desire to know and unite with the divine, god, love, beauty, soul, truth, the core of all cores in this life, not in any other life or time. And so, they willingly burn through the fire of any moment to find it.

This is why I say mystics are so fucked and so blessed. The mystic heart can't settle for anything less than what it knows it's here to be and do--what can't be said in words or seen in ways the world immediately understands. And it won't stop until you've given your whole life to find it.

Let's explore the three desires of the mystic that eclipse all other desires:

To unite with god, the divine, heaven in this life, not any other life or timeTo align the inner with the outer worldTo be a gateway between the worlds 

These desires are actualized through the thread of longing that pulls our lives inside out. Sometimes disruptively. Sometimes quietly. 

"Longing is the golden thread that takes us home." -Llewelyn Vaughn Lee

But what is "home" to a mystic and how does the Great Work of alchemy intersect with the mystic's journey home?

With all the love in my mystic human heart,


--Click here to read or listen to my book The Second Half of the Mountain: A Guide to Personal Alchemy After Awakening
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--Click here for episode transcripts

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