This episode is the last in a three-part series of shows. Over these episodes, we’ve discovered how the intersection of artificial intelligence, Soviet-US relations, and a variety of 80s pop culture references helps frame the current discussion around AI. In this final episode, we examine current Russian AI development, calls for banning lethal autonomous weaponry, and a little known episode where the Soviets thought the US had fired five nuclear missiles at them back in 1983.

In Falken's Maze technologist and former international relations professor Jason Thomas explores the intersection of technology, history, and culture. Created for listeners who wistfully long for the 80s but want to understand the complexities of today, this podcast demystifies and explains the world's most compelling technologies and events through 80's movies, music, and television. This is where history, tech, and retro pop collide.

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Sting 28th Annual Grammy Awards Performance - Russians
Sting Interview (Unknown date) - Origination of his song Russians
Russian government Directive on AI Development
Reuters story on Amazon AI debacle
BBC Interview of Stanislav Petrov
Wired story on Stanislav Petrov
Open Letter from Musk et al. on banning autonomous weapons
Popular Mechanics article on development of AI weapons by Kalashnikov
Russian video on autonomous weapons
US-Department of Defense policy on Autonomous Weapons Systems


Street Dancing by Timecrawler 82 is Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (4.0) International license.
Paint The Sky by Dysfunction_AL (c) copyright 2015 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.