Rest in Peace - Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Cynthia Hurd, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Tywanza Sanders, Myra Thompson, Ethel Lee Lance, Susie Jackson, Daniel L. Simmons, Depayne Middleton Doctor (x)


White Girls Discuss Racism Cautiously: The Podcast

Dylan Roof Manifesto (Not linked, listen to know why.)
The Importance of Black Churches
We’re Southern, so we weigh in on the Confederate flag
Obama on WTF 
@marclamonthill on why white people can't say the N-word


Other Discussion

Package Delivery
The Sims 4 Legacy Challege
SDCC (Geeks Go Glam + Game of Bloggers)
Working for the Mandroid Podcast


Superheroesque Relaunch

Email for submissions
Email for advice


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Contact your hosts @LizLocksley and @xoMiaMoore

Also you can find more info at (as well as our donate button!)


Intro Music is "Eat my Chips" by Azureflux

Outro Music is "Chibi Ninja" by Eric Skiff


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