Wise guy... Good fellow... Mobster... Enforcer Mafiosa... Gangster

These are all names that at one time described Tom Papania from an abused New York street punk of 15 years of age until 1984. Tom's main goal in life was to make Al Capone look like an amateur

Tom worked his way up in organized crime to a trusted position in the New York Gambino organized crime family. Tom answered directly to the now deceased Paul Castellano. Tom wielded fear, terror, and brutality to control the New York mob's expanding interests. Bomb threats to contracts on Tom's life couldn't stop the hell bound course crime had put him on.

On a road to Damascus experience, Tom Papania surrendered his life to Christ. Tom's past caught up with him and he was sent to the Atlanta federal penitentiary to await trial. The trial was one of Atlanta's longest, lasting 11 months. God used the maximum security cells of the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary to mold and develop Tom's new Christ-like character.

After almost a year, Tom was set free by the Grace of God. Tom continued in his commitment to Christ and is now an ordained evangelist and executive director of God's Saving Grace Ministries. Tom now goes back into the prisons with the power of the holy spirit, truly setting captives free.
