On today’s episode of FaithWalk 2.0, Nina was joined by a special guest Christa Nutor aka “The Curvy Christian.” Christa shared her journey of faith, a couple of the lessons she has gained along the way, and other nuggets of wisdom to keep us focused and encouraged on our personal faith walk. Also highlighted in the podcast, is the beautiful friendship that both ladies have built and are continuing to nurture.

Some of the gems she dropped on us!

-     Our faith walk is not always linear. There are typically twists and turns along the way.

-     God is constant and always present even in the moments when we do not feel Him.

-     This journey is much more fruitful when it is cultivated with community.

-     Not everything is always black and white. It’s important to use discernment from the Holy Spirit and community when navigating the gray areas.

-     Favorite scripture - Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men.”

Guest Speaker

Christa Nutor is the founder of the Curvy Christian Blog. The platform was created to share life’s twists and turns, curves and crossroads with others. She believes that we are meant to journey through life together and share wisdom along the way. Christa works as a finance analyst at a Fortune 100 company, but communicating and spreading joy to others is her passion. “Life is curvy, it doesn’t always make sense. I’m curvy, I don’t always make sense. Let’s figure out life together.” Christa can be found on Instagram @thecurvychrista and her website https://thecurvychristian.org/.

As always, stay tuned and blessed 😊

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faithwalk2.0/