On this episode, Chris is joined by Doug Wilson, CEO of Catholic Benefits Association, an membership-based organization that facilitates health insurance for Catholic entities. Doug describes the birth of CBA in the wake of several of the Affordable Care Act’s (Obamacare) coercive provisions — such as forcing Catholic nuns to Read more…

On this episode, Chris is joined by Doug Wilson, CEO of Catholic Benefits Association, an membership-based organization that facilitates health insurance for Catholic entities. Doug describes the birth of CBA in the wake of several of the Affordable Care Act’s (Obamacare) coercive provisions — such as forcing Catholic nuns to buy contraception — and walks through the legal battles and victories CBA has had since its founding. Most recently, they won an injunction from the Federal Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit on a provision of the ACA that would ostensibly force coverage for surgeries, pharmaceuticals, etc., related to gender ideology that Catholic organizations will not in good conscience provide. Additionally, in the federal HHS Department’s recent “Section 1557” Notification (a statement of intent concerning civil rights provisions interpretations), we are seeing ways the Bostock v. Clayton County decision of last summer (See Episode 17 — this is a must-know case!) is, as expected, being used as an instrument to impose an unscientific, metaphysically incorrect, and harmful view of the human person onto health care providers. This federal pressure highlights the need for robust state-level conscience protections.
