Suzy, a successful hairstylist in Orange County, had basically resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn’t ever find love, and that because she had such a fulfilling career & life otherwise, that was just fine. Patrick was in BioTech living in San Diego, when he found himself in a marriage with someone who was unfaithful (for the fourth time). Cut to a joint Bachelor/Bachelorette in the Fall of 2017 and a newly single Patrick and Suzy meet. Instant chemistry leads to a 12-hour hang-sesh and then marriage…with some hiccups along the way.


Patrick & Suzy Kil get real with us on this episode. We chat about the difficulties of navigating the dating scene, their early relationship, sex before marriage as Christians, cultural differences and even how Patrick decides to take Suzy’s last name once they got married. (That’s a killer story, by the way.)


Take a listen and when you’re done, head on over to their IG accounts to see more about this amazing couple.


@Bornbeautifulglam, @ItsMrsKil, @Mrkil19 & @thekilsexploreitall


Connect with Thania on Instagram @tataconquers Follow on IG: @faithandotherfwords Review on Itunes:

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