Episode #45 with author Gena Thomas

Gena has written for several Christian publications, and published her first book, A Smoldering Wick: Igniting Missions Work with Sustainable Practices in 2016. Her book, Separated by the Border: A birth mother, a foster mother, and a migrant child’s 3,000-mile journey unpacks the story of reuniting her Honduran foster daughter with her family after separation at the US border. Gena’s most recent book, Alisa & The Coronavirus, is a self-published interactive children’s book based on conversations she and her family had, especially those with her 4-year-old on how to deal with emotions surrounding life changes affected by the virus. She is currently working another book about God’s great abundance.

Season 7’s first guest is Gena Thomas. Our episode engages the tension of re-orienting faith when the environment turns dissonant. We chart through Gena’s story of family and how relationships ultimately paved the path to guide her faith. Topics include: dignity, privilege, adoption, and Paulo Freire.

Show Notes

Gena’s intro, family story, and faith formation.
Approaching the era of Trump and malformed powers as an evangelical;
Missionary work in Mexico;
How relationships informs faith and life perspectives that lead to deconstruction;
Engaging the adoption and foster care system;
The making of, ‘Separated by the Border’, and how Gena’s wove together a narrative between US immigration policy, human smuggling, the broken foster system, and everything in between.
What’s next, new projects and possibilities.


Find Gena Thomas at her website: https://www.genathomas.com/; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genalrthomas/; Twitter: https://twitter.com/genaLRthomas

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