All of Mark 3-4 is about sharing the gospel and hope of Jesus with others. Jesus’ teaching of the Parable of the Sower reminds us that good soil is not just measured by our personal life change, but by what we do with it.

Are we producing a crop? Are we sharing the gospel? Are other people becoming believers through what Jesus is doing in us? We need to not just bear fruit in our own lives, we should be planting seeds in others!

Join me for the latest episode with special-guest, Sue Moore Donaldson of Welcome Heart: Knowing and Showing the Heart of God, as she shares practical ways to plant seeds of the gospel in the lives of others.

“How do you make your life count? How do you leave a legacy life? It’s all about what you do today.”
—Sue Moore Donaldson

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How to connect with Sue:
She blogs at Welcome Heart: Knowing and Showing the Heart of God and hosts a weekly podcast: Make it Count: Living a Legacy Life-found at
Sue’s books include: Come to My Table: God’s Hospitality and Yours; Hospitality, 101: Lessons from the Ultimate Host, a 12-Week Bible Study; Table Mentoring: A Simple Guide to Coming Alongside—for purchase at
She has 8 Retreat Series and 15 Keynotes—more info at