Have you been wanting to make your health a priority, but something keeps holding you back?


Have you been telling yourself "Tomorrow I'll start.... Monday I'll start..... On the first I will for sure start," and you still haven't started?


Trust me, girl.... I get it.

I've struggled for years with prioritizing my health and really sticking with mindful eating, nutrition, exercise. There have been times where I kept saying I'd start and it took me months to actually start, and there have been times where I jumped right into a "diet" and failed quickly.
In this episode, I go over the 5 things that may be holding you back from making your health a priority. I also go over solutions for those limiting beliefs and the reason why now is a perfect time to get started.
This episode's show notes: https://faithfuelsmyfire.wixsite.com/faithfuelsmyfire/post/why-right-now-is-the-perfect-time-to-prioritize-your-health-5-things-that-may-be-holding-you-back
Email me: [email protected]

Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486483515603028/
Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmBsSKktGU_8WHVNIxhFuzg
The Bible app that I use: http://bible.com/app
Instagram: @_lorenacamille_
Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,
- Lorena Camille