Do you catch yourself mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or Instagram?


Are you spending your valuable time comparing yourself to others and being envious of their "perfect life" that they portray on social media?


Have you been feeling like your too attached to social media?


If you said yes to any of the questions above, then it is time for a social media detox.


"But Lorena... what is a social media detox?"


Let me tell you girl....


A Social Media Detox is basically just taking time off of social media to reset, relax, and be able to focus on "real life" and the things that matter most to you.


"Okay so I need to do a Social Media Detox, but how?"


Don't worry, I got you...
In today's episode, I will be giving you 3 steps on how to do a Social Media Detox and what to expect from it.

This episode's show notes:
Facebook Community:
Instagram: @_lorenacamille_
Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,
- Lorena Camille