I honestly didn't think I would ever talk about this in public...


It is one of those things that I would rather just forget about and pretend like nothing ever happened. And it's something that is super uncomfortable for me to talk about because I don't want anyone to pity me or think of me any differently because of it.


BUT.... God has been putting this on my heart that I have to speak my truth, and if I can just help one person to know that there is hope for them, then this will all be worth it for me.


In this episode, I share my story about being in an abusive relationship and all the lies I fed myself throughout those years. I pair these lies with the truth through scripture. I hope and pray that you've never gone through a similar situation, but if you have I hope that this episode gives you hope and helps you to know how to regain your strength when you feel weak.
This episode's show notes: https://www.faithfuelsmyfire.co/post/i-am-weak

Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486483515603028/
The Bible app that I use: http://bible.com/app
Instagram: @_lorenacamille_
Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,
- Lorena Camille