Have you ever just messed up big time?

Do you feel like you took three steps forward and then 10 steps back?

Are you feeling worthless, hopeless, and just like, what's the point?

Trust me when I say... I get this like a thousand percent.

In this episode, I am going to be sharing my story on how I messed up big time a couple of months ago, the feelings that I felt, and how I was able to get through it with scripture, prayer, and faith-based affirmations. If you have messed up and are feeling unworthy, I hope this episode helps you to find your worth again, know your worth, and to see the truth in the scripture.




This episode's show notes: https://faithfuelsmyfire.wixsite.com/faithfuelsmyfire/post/i-am-unworthy
Email me: [email protected]

Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486483515603028/
Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmBsSKktGU_8WHVNIxhFuzg
The Bible app that I use: http://bible.com/app
Instagram: @_lorenacamille_
Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,
- Lorena Camille