I never thought of myself as a people pleaser, but I realized throughout this past year or so that I actually was.


Once you get so used to trying to please people all the time, It's really hard to get out of that. 
In this episode, I am going to go over how to stop being a people pleaser and start being a servant of Christ, because you can't be both. 

This episode's show notes: https://faithfuelsmyfire.wixsite.com/faithfuelsmyfire/post/how-to-stop-being-a-people-pleaser-learning-to-be-a-servant-of-christ
Email me: [email protected]

Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486483515603028/
Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmBsSKktGU_8WHVNIxhFuzg
The Bible app that I use: http://bible.com/app
Instagram: @_lorenacamille_
Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,
- Lorena Camille