Are you in a season of waiting?

Have you been asking God for things to happen and they just haven't?

Have you just felt stuck where you're at and you really don't know what direction God wants to take you next?

If you said yes to any of these questions, trust me when I tell you that I get it. I've been there...

Quite honestly, I am here right now. I have been in a season of waiting lately. I feel like I've been going in and out of the season of waiting and then feeling like, "Oh, okay, maybe I have a sense of direction" and then something happens again and here I am waiting again. There are a few things that I want to go over today because we have to truly learn to be content in the season of waiting and stop trying to rush the process. We have to focus on what God is calling us to do right now at this moment while we're waiting. We have to just be content in that waiting and do what he wants us to do right now while we're in this time of waiting and not trying to go over here, over there, or do this or do that. We have to just be content right where God has us right now in this waiting season.




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Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,


-Lorena Camille