Have you been trying to incorporate Christ in your daily life?



Are you looking for inspiration or Bible verses to live by and remind yourself of daily ?



In this episode, I provide 5 of my favorite Bible verses that I live by. These verses are so powerful and life changing if you really live by them and believe them. You can write down these verses, memorize them, keep them in a bookmark in your Bible, keep them in your notes on your phone, however you want to do it, but these verses are great to remind yourself of daily.

This episode's show notes: https://www.faithfuelsmyfire.com/post/5-life-changing-bible-verses-to-live-by-remind-yourself-of-daily-let-s-draw-near-to-christ



Also, don't forget about the GIVEAWAY to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this podcast and hitting episode #50! You can enter 1x a day until Nov 11




1. Leave a written review for the podcast on iTunes


2. Share it in your IG stories and tag me @_lorenacamille_


3. You can enter 1x a day by sharing a screenshot of an episode from the podcast in your IG stories & talking about it. Make sure you tag me @_lorenacamille_


4. Request to be in the Facebook group if you're not already in it. I'll be announcing the winner live in the group on Nov 12



Email me: [email protected]


Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486483515603028/


YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmBsSKktGU_8WHVNIxhFuzg


The Bible App that I use: http://bible.com/app


Instagram: @_lorenacamille_


Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,


-Lorena Camille