My guest on today’s episode of the podcast is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 1 million monthly listens and 7-figures of annual revenue, JLD is spreading Entrepreneurial FIRE on a global scale. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success: A Roadmap to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment is available for pre-order right now, and in it John lays out the 17-step path for how the most successful entrepreneurs have consistently achieved and even exceeded their goals. 


In this interview, John and I dive into: 


The crucial decision John made that put his podcast in a class of ONE The most important step of the 17-step path to uncommon success that most people are missing  How you can tap into your Zone of Fire  The quality that will set you up for unstoppable success in business  How you can get a copy of his The Common Path to Uncommon Success PLUS 5 valuable bonuses when you pre-order 


Then, make sure to follow John on Instagram:


Visit John’s website here:

To pre-order John’s new book, and take advantage of 5 FREE bonuses, including his beautiful physical journals, visit:

To get started with your own podcast, get a free podcasting program from John here:

And make sure to tag me in your Instagram stories and let me know which part of the interview you loved the most:

Plus if you want to get paid to write copy, get excited! Because a brand-new opportunity is opening up for you to learn the most valuable skill in online business that --- once you master it --- you can use FOREVER.  Email [email protected] with the subject line “Copy” to get more info.