Previous Episode: Leah, You Are Loved!

Ruth. Chapter one. Last week we began our Advent series looking at Leah and the birth of Judah. This morning we look at Ruth and the birth of Obed, the grandfather of King David. We’re continuing our series looking looking to Advent through the eyes of Old Testament saints, the ladies of faith, as we look to the reading God’s Word. If you would join me in prayer, Father God. Indeed, you are the source of all light. And by

Ruth. Chapter one. Last week we began our Advent series looking at Leah and the birth of Judah. This morning we look at Ruth and the birth of Obed, the grandfather of King David. We’re continuing our series looking looking to Advent through the eyes of Old Testament saints, the ladies of faith, as we look to the reading God’s Word. If you would join me in prayer, Father God. Indeed…
