The People you Love to Hate – Ephesians 2:11-22
Eph 2:1-10. God deals with our alienation from Him.
Eph 2:11-22. God deals with our alienation from others.
The Cycle of Conflict: A. Disagreement/Tension. B. Role Dilemma/Who does he think he is? C. Collecting of injustices, real or imagined. D. Confrontation/Fight lever. E. Reset/Rinse/Repeat or Genuine Resolution.
Alienation is the enduring pandemic. Hatred is the resistant virus. Hostility is the unbreakable habit. Differences run deep!
Therefore (v11): Because you have been wonderfully rescued:
Remember who you were (vv11, 12):

Remember who you are now (v13):

Remember what Jesus has done (vv14-18):

Remember who we are now, together (vv19-22):

Core Idea of Ephesians 2:11-22: Enmity and hostility are only fully defeated…when two people both come to faith in Christ AND THEN REMEMBER WHO THEY ARE.
So, what should we do? Remember who you were and who you are in Christ and God’s oceanic grace and who we are together.
So, what else should we do? Thank God continually.
So, what else should we do? Live in our new identity incessantly.
Faith Community Bible Church 5/14/23 Pastor Dave Gibson
The People you Love to Hate – Ephesians 2:11-22
Eph 2:1-10. God deals with our alienation from Him.
Eph 2:11-22. God deals with our alienation from others.
The Cycle of Conflict: A. Disagreement/Tension. B. Role Dilemma/Who does he think he is? C. Collecting of injustices, real or imagined. D. Confrontation/Fight lever. E. Reset/Rinse/Repeat or Genuine Resolution.
Alienation is the enduring pandemic. Hatred is the resistant virus. Hostility is the unbreakable habit. Differences run deep!
Therefore (v11): Because you have been wonderfully rescued:
Remember who you were (vv11, 12):

Remember who you are now (v13):

Remember what Jesus has done (vv14-18):

Remember who we are now, together (vv19-22):

Core Idea of Ephesians 2:11-22: Enmity and hostility are only fully defeated…when two people both come to faith in Christ AND THEN REMEMBER WHO THEY ARE.
So, what should we do? Remember who you were and who you are in Christ and God’s oceanic grace and who we are together.
So, what else should we do? Thank God continually.
So, what else should we do? Live in our new identity incessantly.