In this episode, we are joined by a world-class Anglican theologian, Dr. Sarah Coakley, and a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker, Eliza Griswold. Dr. Coakley's scholarship looks at the Trinity, "New Asceticism," Christology, power, sexuality, and the distinction of the self. Today, she is continuing her trilogy in systematics, aiming in a forthcoming volume at a robust theological examination of race. In this episode, Dr. Coakley and Eliza connect the wisdom of historic Christian thinkers with the urgent issues of a world that is today perhaps more in need of justice than ever. 



Sarah Coakley

Eliza Griswold 


Additional Resources 

God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay "On the Trinity," by Sarah Coakley 

Powers and Submissions: Spirituality, Philosophy, and Gender, by Sarah Coakley

Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America, by Eliza Griswold 

"The Unmaking of Biblical Womanhood" by Eliza Griswold