So you've got a budget… very cool!

I get a fuzzy feeling when my budget is written and my wife and I agree upon it. However, I get a sick feeling a month later when I learn that we did not stay within our budget.

Going over budget in one or more areas creates a shortage in others. In other words, something is not getting paid.


In This Episode, We Look At:

Choosing a preferred method to write and track your budget.

If you have not yet developed a budget, we invite you to listen to Episode 14, "A Biblical Approach to Money Management."

A budget should be mutually agreed upon (spouses) and flexible.

Pay the big bills via auto-pay, assuring they get paid, and on time.

Mortgage, Auto loan, and Health Insurance are some examples.

Decide which budget items can be paid with cash, eliminating the chance of over-spending; if the grocery budget this week is $200 bring only $200 in cash and resist using your debit or credit card.

Schedule a regular interval for sitting down and reviewing your progress (weekly is advised when this is new to you).

Inspect what you expect


Resources and Links:

There are several budgeting programs available, and more are being developed on a regular basis. As of the date of this recording, a few rise to the top:

YNAB (not an affiliate)



Improve Your Faith and Finances:

Purpose to control your dollars, so that they do not control you. Decide where your dollars should go, write out that plan (budget) and follow it, checking your progress weekly.


Share Your Thoughts:

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

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Troy Twitter

So you've got a budget… very cool!

I get a fuzzy feeling when my budget is written and my wife and I agree upon it. However, I get a sick feeling a month later when I learn that we did not stay within our budget.

Going over budget in one or more areas creates a shortage in others. In other words, something is not getting paid.


In This Episode, We Look At:

Choosing a preferred method to write and track your budget.

If you have not yet developed a budget, we invite you to listen to Episode 14, "A Biblical Approach to Money Management."

A budget should be mutually agreed upon (spouses) and flexible.

Pay the big bills via auto-pay, assuring they get paid, and on time.

Mortgage, Auto loan, and Health Insurance are some examples.

Decide which budget items can be paid with cash, eliminating the chance of over-spending; if the grocery budget this week is $200 bring only $200 in cash and resist using your debit or credit card.

Schedule a regular interval for sitting down and reviewing your progress (weekly is advised when this is new to you).

Inspect what you expect


Resources and Links:

There are several budgeting programs available, and more are being developed on a regular basis. As of the date of this recording, a few rise to the top:

YNAB (not an affiliate)



Improve Your Faith and Finances:

Purpose to control your dollars, so that they do not control you. Decide where your dollars should go, write out that plan (budget) and follow it, checking your progress weekly.


Share Your Thoughts:

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

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Tim Twitter

Troy Twitter

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