There has certainly been an evolution of how we conduct commerce. It appears the majority of financial transactions today are paperless—just numbers transferring dollars.

But how do we answer the question, "Should we invest in BitCoin?"


In This Episode, We Look At:

Speculating versus prudent investing

Biblical wisdom to consider before rolling the dice with Bitcoin.

“Hot investments” of the recent past and the fallout that followed.

When anything is increasing in value at rates that seem mathematically impossible, it's time to be skeptical. When you hear enthusiasts proclaim "This time is different, new paradigm, new technology that never existed before." put your boots on. –Ric Cochran


Improve Your Faith and Finances:

Breathe. Do your due diligence—do not invest in something because “everybody is doing it.” Ask yourself, “Will God be honored in this?”


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If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

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Troy Twitter

There has certainly been an evolution of how we conduct commerce. It appears the majority of financial transactions today are paperless—just numbers transferring dollars.

But how do we answer the question, "Should we invest in BitCoin?"


In This Episode, We Look At:

Speculating versus prudent investing

Biblical wisdom to consider before rolling the dice with Bitcoin.

“Hot investments” of the recent past and the fallout that followed.

When anything is increasing in value at rates that seem mathematically impossible, it's time to be skeptical. When you hear enthusiasts proclaim "This time is different, new paradigm, new technology that never existed before." put your boots on. –Ric Cochran


Improve Your Faith and Finances:

Breathe. Do your due diligence—do not invest in something because “everybody is doing it.” Ask yourself, “Will God be honored in this?”


Share Your Thoughts:

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

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Troy Twitter

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