The just shall live by faith.

This truth is stated four times in Scripture.

We also know that "without faith it is impossible to please God."

Do we then demonstrate faithlessness if we accumulate savings and invest?


In This Episode, We Look At:

In many areas of our lives we tend to lean on faith and ignore action

We have a tendency to think that God will take care of us when considering our future financial needs. 

That is true to an extent; (Matthew 6:33) but, what is our part in effort and labor?

Consider the source of your income today

It is very likely that you sought the Lord to help you and guide you concerning your present job.

An interview was conducted during which you presented yourself and your qualifications.

You had to prepare for your job or career with college education or prior work experience.

Your ability to work comes from the Lord (Deut. 8:18).

What about Pastors and Missionaries in retirement years?

We think, "Surely God will provide for their future income because they gave their whole lives to His service."

Our human minds look to a reward system in this life. But God's rewards for New Testament believers are in Heaven.

There are countless blessings in serving the LORD.

We see God do amazing works through changing lives and healing people.

None of this excuses full-time servants from the need to plan for their future income through their own savings efforts, Missions boards, or Deacons' planning.

How does planning and working for today's income differ from planning and working toward tomorrow's income?

We know that our bodies of age, weaken, and are prone to injury and disease.

We should plan now, put forth effort now, and save now, in order to have resources to provide an income LATER.

Proverbs 6:6


Today's Resources and Links:

Spiritual Leadership Conference Session, "Should Christians Save and Invest for the Future?" taught by Tim Rosen


One Thing You Can Do Today to Improve Your Faith and Finances:

Determine to put forth effort in planning and saving for your future source of income for when you can no longer work to earn a paycheck.


What Are Your Thoughts?

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

The just shall live by faith.

This truth is stated four times in Scripture.

We also know that "without faith it is impossible to please God."

Do we then demonstrate faithlessness if we accumulate savings and invest?


In This Episode, We Look At:

In many areas of our lives we tend to lean on faith and ignore action

We have a tendency to think that God will take care of us when considering our future financial needs. 

That is true to an extent; (Matthew 6:33) but, what is our part in effort and labor?

Consider the source of your income today

It is very likely that you sought the Lord to help you and guide you concerning your present job.

An interview was conducted during which you presented yourself and your qualifications.

You had to prepare for your job or career with college education or prior work experience.

Your ability to work comes from the Lord (Deut. 8:18).

What about Pastors and Missionaries in retirement years?

We think, "Surely God will provide for their future income because they gave their whole lives to His service."

Our human minds look to a reward system in this life. But God's rewards for New Testament believers are in Heaven.

There are countless blessings in serving the LORD.

We see God do amazing works through changing lives and healing people.

None of this excuses full-time servants from the need to plan for their future income through their own savings efforts, Missions boards, or Deacons' planning.

How does planning and working for today's income differ from planning and working toward tomorrow's income?

We know that our bodies of age, weaken, and are prone to injury and disease.

We should plan now, put forth effort now, and save now, in order to have resources to provide an income LATER.

Proverbs 6:6


Today's Resources and Links:

Spiritual Leadership Conference Session, "Should Christians Save and Invest for the Future?" taught by Tim Rosen


One Thing You Can Do Today to Improve Your Faith and Finances:

Determine to put forth effort in planning and saving for your future source of income for when you can no longer work to earn a paycheck.


What Are Your Thoughts?

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.