Ah, marriage! It's that moment when two hearts become one and each one instantly understands the other and agree on all matters…

Now back to reality.


In This Episode, We Look At:

We all have our individual beliefs

Destructive Beliefs lead to: Stress, shame, guilt, fear, pain, selfishness, worry, doubt, suffering; potential sins such as covetousness, greed and idolatry.

Healthy Beliefs lead to: Love, joy, peace, energy, passion, fun, accomplishments

Paying the personal price

There is a personal price we pay when we do not identify and resolve conflicting beliefs about money. These include:

Income, savings, giving, helping others, confidence, satisfaction, relationships, communication, personal happiness, health, well-being

Replace the destructive belief with a true, healthy belief

Example: I could replace a destructive belief of “There's no point in having a savings; something always comes up."

With: “Praise God I have an income and can find some extra dollars to save for when things come up.”

Lastly: Put your new belief(s) into action


Today's Resources and Links:

Faith and Finances: Eternal Promises for Today's Resources, By Tim Rosen


One Thing You Can Do Today to Improve Your Financial World:

Seek first to understand your spouse before you desire to be understood. Identify each other's strengths. Apply those strengths to your finances.


What Are Your Thoughts?

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

Ah, marriage! It's that moment when two hearts become one and each one instantly understands the other and agree on all matters…

Now back to reality.


In This Episode, We Look At:

We all have our individual beliefs

Destructive Beliefs lead to: Stress, shame, guilt, fear, pain, selfishness, worry, doubt, suffering; potential sins such as covetousness, greed and idolatry.

Healthy Beliefs lead to: Love, joy, peace, energy, passion, fun, accomplishments

Paying the personal price

There is a personal price we pay when we do not identify and resolve conflicting beliefs about money. These include:

Income, savings, giving, helping others, confidence, satisfaction, relationships, communication, personal happiness, health, well-being

Replace the destructive belief with a true, healthy belief

Example: I could replace a destructive belief of “There's no point in having a savings; something always comes up."

With: “Praise God I have an income and can find some extra dollars to save for when things come up.”

Lastly: Put your new belief(s) into action


Today's Resources and Links:

Faith and Finances: Eternal Promises for Today's Resources, By Tim Rosen


One Thing You Can Do Today to Improve Your Financial World:

Seek first to understand your spouse before you desire to be understood. Identify each other's strengths. Apply those strengths to your finances.


What Are Your Thoughts?

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.