On this week’s episode, Marisa, Alan, and Chris had a roundtable discussion with the San Diego Loyal Community.  We chatted

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On this week’s episode, Marisa, Alan, and Chris had a roundtable discussion with the San Diego Loyal Community.  We chatted with SD Loyal Team Manager Elizabeth Rivas and San Diego Locals Supporters members Drew Steck and Jerry Jimenez. Drew is the Vice President of the Locals and Jerry is the Director of Communications.

The grouped talked about several topics both on an off the pitch. They discussed what role the Supporters Group had in social issues. Drew and Jerry spoke about what they think that they are doing well. They were also very open and frank about some of the things they want to do better. They touched on the Black Lives Matter movement and diversity in their group. Next, Elizabeth shared her perspective working with the team and being in the front office. After that she touched on what role she saw for women both on and off of the pitch.

Next they shared stories of some of the successes they saw since the lockdown. Elizabeth shared her thoughts on how the team has worked to come together. Drew mentioned the community around the team and how it has continued to grow. He talked about John Cross’s Soccer Shorts documentaries. He is producing one on The Locals. John was also the inspiration for the name of this podcast. Jerry also talked about the positive community they hope they are building. He again mentioned that anyone who wants to be involved is welcome to be.

We want to thank all of our guests. It made for a great Loyal community roundtable

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The post San Diego Loyal Community Roundtable appeared first on Beautiful Game Network.

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