Previous Episode: A call to speak up

On this week’s Fair Weather Podcast Chris and Alan chat, but get the podcast crashed by BGN’s Carson Merk. Carson

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On this week’s Fair Weather Podcast Chris and Alan chat, but get the podcast crashed by BGN’s Carson Merk. Carson crashes the conversation to talk a little bit about the game last week against Las Vegas and break down what is to be a crazy week in Group B.

The conversation starts with the call/non-call of offside against Las Vegas Lights. There seems to be a good amount of anger in San Diego the last two games.  These calls could cost San Diego a playoff position, but Alan takes some time to make a calm reaction.

By this time, Carson had made his way to the comment section. Chris invited him on to crash the conversation. He offered his observations of Vegas and their recent run of form. The three then talked some predictions and what Orange County, Los Angeles, and San Diego would need to do to make the playoffs. San Diego has its work cut out for them if they want to make it.

Next, they talked about who gets into the playoffs in Group B. They chat about the playoff picture and how some teams are on the outside looking in. They also talk about how it limits a couple of good teams. Harry would be happy with how Group D is shaking out. Alan mentions that the West might come down to Reno or San Antonio because of home field advantage.

We want to thank Mr. BGN himself Carson for crashing this conversation.

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The post Carson Crashes the Conversation. appeared first on Beautiful Game Network.

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