Our "DCPU" series concludes, with the most recent movie we have ever covered! That's right, we're going all the way back to, uh, earlier this year, for an in-depth look at the looong-in-the-works superhero epic, The Flash. Why are we already so confident this one will be a non-starter? Well, between the change in DC cinema leadership since its release, the multiple controversies surrounding the lead actor, and the lackluster box office, it seems a safe bet! But that's only scratching the surface of things to talk about, as we also discuss the film's questionable FX, awkward humor, nostalgia bait, arguably-ghoulish usage of deceased actors, and how weird it is to have a movie featuring beloved actor Michael Keaton return to his iconic Batman role and have it barely make a dent in the public consciousness! But of course, the question is...did we like it?? Listen on and find out. Plus, we end the show by gifting each other our next two movies, as we prepare for our annual "Failure to Franchise presents Trev & Chris-tmas."

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