Takashi Miike created one of the most infamous, beloved and decisive films when he made Audition: a story of people looking for love in all the wrong places that has influenced a generation of filmmakers and terrified audiences all over the world. Andrea and Alex take a deep dive into the international and seemingly universal […]

Takashi Miike created one of the most infamous, beloved and decisive films when he made Audition: a story of people looking for love in all the wrong places that has influenced a generation of filmmakers and terrified audiences all over the world. Andrea and Alex take a deep dive into the international and seemingly universal fears of love, intimacy and what it means to be a “good girl.”

Audition. Dir. Takashi Miike, 1999.

Holding Back Half the Nation – The Economist’s examination of Japanese women in the work place.

“Nice Girl”: Social Control of Women Through a Value Construct – Greer Litton Fox’s paper on the taming of women through perceived goodness.


Salem Horror Fest – We’ll be there October 7th and 8th! Tickets are available now.


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