[Rumble Video Version: https://rumble.com/v4u2bu6-sn1416-rebel-recruiting-the-new-covid-and-model-citizens-.html]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/05/10/sn1416-rebel-recruiting-the-new-covid-model-citizens/]

The common theme presented throughout this transmission is the fact that we all represent greater ideals and philosophies than ourselves. We’re really starting to see the pieces of the New World Order really coming into play during this transmission. From the synchronistic acquisition of Seagen by Pfizer, to the sudden and abrupt protests around the nation, we’re seeing an eerie hand move across the world. The nations of the planet are unsuspecting of what comes next.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has come out this week announcing that Oncology is going to be their next pursuit. They’ve “saved the world from COVID” and cancer is their next endeavor. Go back to last week’s episode and watch the COVID segment where these thoughts are strangely similar to the movie I Am Legend.

Make no mistake about it ladies and gentleman, we are living through one of the craziest movies ever produced, where there’s real deaths and real chaos all being created for fake purposes. We close the transmission off going over the loving gifts our so-called “Model Citizens” have been bringing with them and the effects they’re having on the country.

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