[Rumble Video Version: https://rumble.com/v4oru0x-sn1412-american-psychosis-accelerated-aging-and-shattering-novelty.html]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/04/12/sn1412-american-psychosis-accelerated-aging-shattering-novelty/]

We’re back from NFT NYC more energized than ever. This week’s episode is a serious deep dive into the culture that we’re beginning to normalize, and how the novelty of normalcy has been weaponized against us. While analyzing the regular torrent of news, we also provide insights as to the sub-cultures that are forming and the striations it causes within society.

Serious time-dilation is occurring due to my extra-curricular crypto activities, and because of this, it’s causing me to contemplate the continuity of the operation - with your involvement. Seriously, if you’re reading this right now, join Exclusive Members and you might be able to have a job working for Factions Of Freedom. Things are changing and we have to change with them.

More devastating revelations regarding COVID19 plague this episode, with stark reminders of the depths of the damage dealt to the world’s population. What’s happening goes beyond the erosion of trust, it fuels the undermining and ultimately the destruction of everything we once held dear. Strap yourselves in as we try to make it all make sense without losing ourselves.

Support Our Operation: https://www.ko-fi.com/noizce, https://patreon.com/noizce, https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/noizce

Get CBD Oil: https://shop.nuleafnaturals.com/75Kdv3

Website: http://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/

Twitter: @FreedomsFaction, @The_SolEra, @3RADAO

Discord: https://discord.gg/qqt8926Y

Telegram: https://t.me/freedoms_faction

Email: [email protected], [email protected]