''Be the pebble that causes the ripple'' - Karen Briscoe 

If you look at the most revered people on the planet, it may seem like they are somehow different than the rest of us. How do they become so successful? What’s their big secret?

Yes, some are born with unique talents and gifts, but believe me, the vast majority of people who change the world, are no different from you and I.

In today’s conversation, Karen Briscoe shares her wisdom around succeeding with habits and reminds us that we all have the ability to uncover excellence, make a difference, and change the world… If we choose to!

Karen Briscoe is Principal of the Huckaby Briscoe Conroy Group (HBC) and author of “Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day”. Karen and her team have been recognized by the Wall Street Journal as one of the 250 Top Realtor® teams in the United States, and they have sold more than 1,500 homes valued at over $1.5 billion. 

Here’s a Quick Breakdown of Our Chat… [07:52] What was life like growing up for Karen?—Find out exactly where her entrepreneurial spirit and negotiating skills came from. [11:12] Getting into the world of residential real estate—Why you can start at any time! [15:17] Find out how she’s making an impact with her transformational book Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day. [20:18] Karen reveals the 3-part process to kicking excuses to the curb and seizing major opportunities that the Universe presents to you! [25:40] Take your business to an entirely new level by landing game changing partnerships. [30:10] Discover the many ways to harness the power of mentorship. [35:23] Learn how to be the pebble the causes the ripple! [42:00] How to see contribution as an opportunity to change the world.

''If I can do it, so can you.'' - Karen Briscoe 

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