''You are only a good teacher if you learn.'' - Azul Terronez

Have you ever thought about writing a book, but didn't know where to start? You probably have a million ideas rolling around in your head, but can’t exactly figure out how to process all the information and present it in a way that makes sense for your intended audience.

Maybe you’ve already committed to the process of writing a book, but you are constantly asking yourself ‘why am I writing this?’ or ‘who am I writing this for?’

These hurdles are very normal when it comes to learning how to write a book, which is why I wanted to invite my good friend Azul Terronez to join me on the podcast.

Azul is an educator, TEDx speaker and the author of of the best selling book The Art of Apprenticeship: How to Hack Your Way into Any Industry, Land a Kick-Ass Mentor and Make a Killing Doing What You Love. He is the Co-Founder of Authors Writing Academy and coaches authors like Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income and Dana Malstaff, of Boss-Mom.com.

Azul also coached me through the writing process for The Front Row Factor book, which would never have been possible without his encouragement, guidance, wisdom, and ongoing support!

Be sure to listen to the entire episode, as Azul shares an incredible offer that you won’t want to miss!

To find out more about Azul and his coaching services, visit his website at  CoachAzul.com.  

Here’s a Quick Breakdown of Our Chat… [08:30] Find out how Azul created a new life for himself by deciding to coach online influencers and thought leaders through the book writing process. [13:00] The most important question to ask yourself if you’re considering writing a book. [17:10] Learn how to speak to your intended audience and make a clear connection with your reader. [21:50] Ok, you know you want to write a book, but what now? Azul breaks down the step-by-step process he uses to help clients gain clarity and go from idea to execution. [32:23] When is it time to hire a coach to help you write your book? [41:12] Azul recounts some of the most transformational moments of his life. [46:45] What makes a good teacher great? Azul shares his tips and the awesome piece advice that he got from Seth Godin

''Ask the question ‘what is this for?’ and then really listen.'' - Azul Terronez

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Links and Resources [SITE] Coach Azul [SITE] Authors Writing Academy [BOOK] The Art of Apprenticeship: How to Hack Your Way into Any Industry, Land a Kick-Ass Mentor, and Make A Killing Doing What You Love [COURSE] Azul’s Coaching Offer to Front Row Factor Listeners [BOOK] The Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with the Art of Moment Making [EVENT] 1-Day Business Breakthrough [BOOK] Will It Fly: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time or Money [COACH] Jadah Sellner [BOOK] Evolved Enterprise [EVENT] Mastermind Talks Your Ratings and Reviews Matter!

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