''I believe we are all capable of great things.'' - Amber Vilhauer

If you had the opportunity to change your life, would you? How would the story unfold if you had the strength to face your biggest fears and maximize your true potential?

Today I’m talking with my good friend and trusted business coach, Amber Vilhauer. She’s here to shed light on the process she’s used to create a highly successful and sought after online business, while also sharing her best tips for busting through self-imposed limitations and unlocking extraordinary results in your life.

Amber is an online business growth mentor who supports authors, speakers and coaches to establish a powerful, integrated online presence that gets results and empowers them to make a difference in their industry.

Since starting her multi-six-figure company NGNG Enterprises (standing for No Guts No Glory) in 2007, she has spent her career impacting her community and building strong strategic alliances with industry leaders and game-changers across the web.

Amber has supported thousands of entrepreneurs on six continents to get results. She is the launch manager behind several #1 bestselling books including those for Mark Victor Hansen, Brendon Burchard, Lisa Nichols and Les Brown.

If you’re an aspiring author, speaker, life coach with a message or just someone wanting to increase your online presence and turn your passion into profit, you’ll definitely want to hear what Amber has to say.

Here’s a quick breakdown of our chat…

[14:20] Learn what you need to do to build momentum and become more efficient at time management. [16:40] The must-have project management system and other task management tools utilized by Amber for maximizing productivity. [22:45] Amber shares how she hit rock bottom at 16-years-old and the decision making process that completely transformed her life. [35:37] Are you prepared to push beyond fear and maximize your true potential? Find out why anyone is capable of creating extraordinary success! [41:43] The single most important factor to succeeding as a coach, speaker, and/or author. [47:45] Amber breaks down her thought process for helping someone earn more money in their business and create more freedom in their life. [53:15] Discover one of the most effective methods for building your team and growing a results-driven business.

''I’m here to make sure that other people feel heard, empowered and loved'' – Amber Vilhauer

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Links and Resources

[COMPANY] NGNG Enterprises [BOOK] The God Memorandum [BOOK] The Giver [BOOK] The Last Lecture [EVENT]Front Row Summit [EVENT] Front Row Dad’s Retreat

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