''Tomorrow is guaranteed to nobody'' - Jon Vroman

When you get to the end of your life, will you look back and ask:

Did I live life to the fullest?

Did my life matter?

Did I use my gifts and talents to make a difference?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then you definitely won’t want to miss this interview!

In today’s episode of the Front Row Factor podcast, we’re doing something a little different. A few weeks ago I was interviewed by my good friend Jon Berghoff on Hal Elrod’s Achieve Your Goals podcast about the launch of my new book. There was a ton of positive feedback and JB pulled so much valuable information out of this conversation, that I wanted to release it to the Front Row Factor community.

For those who don’t already know, my new book Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with the Art of Moment Making has been in the making for many years and it’s finally about to launch. The book is a collection of inspiring stories, compelling science, and life strategies that will challenge you to explore your values, establish priorities and reconnect to a higher purpose and deeper meaning within your life.

In our conversation, you’ll hear all about the collaborative process that went into publishing the book AND why I’m terrified to finally release it to the world!

We talk about the power of proximity, what the past and future can teach us about living in the present, how your physical environment impacts your success, and some incredibly powerful stories from Front Row Foundation recipients who have had to fight for their life.

You’ll also hear what it means to create a Front Row moment and how to make more of them so you can transform your own life!

Here’s a quick breakdown of our chat…

[07:20] The collaborative creation of The Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with the Art of Moment Making [10:00] Living in the present and appreciating life’s precious moments. [12:50] How to recognize a Front Row moment and create more of them in your own life. [17:00] Jon shares the transformational moments leading up to the creation of the Front Row Foundation. [19:00] Learn why proximity equals power! [26:00] How to use hope to bring power to the present moment. [28:30] My realization that people can pull strength from past experiences. [33:50] The 3 areas of focus that you should pay attention to if you want to become a moment maker. [41:00] What does your physical environment have to do with achieving greatness? [49:15] A recipient story that demonstrates the power of the mind.

''Your mindset determines how to make the most of every moment that you’re given'' - Jon Vroman

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Links and Resources

[BOOK] Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with the Art of Moment Making [BOOK LAUNCH TEAM]Join The Front Row Factor Launch Team [CHARITY] Front Row Foundation [EVENT] Front Row Dad’s Retreat [SITE] Julianna Raye [BOOK] The Science of Enlightenment: How Meditation Works [SITE] Unified Mindfulness

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