Ellen Calteau

 Ellen Calteau is the Food Addiction Resources (FAR) Operations Manager for the Public Health Collaboration (www.phcuk.org), where she delivers educational courses for those self-reporting food addiction and manages the other programmes offered by FAR, including providing education to Health Professionals, identifying, managing and signposting patients with food addiction, and delivering guest lectures for universities and to other organisations across the country.

Ellen is an experienced Registered Dietitian with 5 years of working across the Midlands within the National Health Service (NHS). Her areas of expertise reside in supporting patients with food addiction and, more specifically, obesity, disordered eating and eating disorders.  Ellen works part-time with Coventry University in the Centre of Intelligent Healthcare. Her research area is in Behavioural Sciences. She is currently conducting a Feasibility, Randomised Controlled Trial of a brief intervention that involves screening for food addiction among people who access dietetic services. Ellen is passionate about the potential for 12-step programmes, specifically Overeaters Anonymous, and strengthening the research evidence-base underpinning these programmes.

After many years of failed traditional diets, Ellen’s personal story is that she discovered that she herself has processed-food addiction and, after following a real food low-carb lifestyle, has maintained an 11-stone weight loss for 12 years at the time of writing.


Ellen’s Top Tips

Start Slowly – look at the labels if in the first 5 ingredients there is wheat flour or sugar – don’t eat it.
Find a support network of like-minded people.
Practise saying NO to the foods you can’t eat

Bonus Tip

NO – Is a complete sentence


Resources Mentioned


FAR – Food Addiction Resources


Connect with Ellen Calteau on social media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PHCukorg

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/PHCukorg/?locale=en_GB

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phcukorg/?hl=en

LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/public-health-collaboration



Website Details:

https://phcuk.org/ and https://phcuk.org/far


The Fabulously Keto Diet & Lifestyle Journal: A 12-week journal to support new habits – Jackie Fletcher

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